Underground tales, overground lives; negotiating a post-retirement identity

Murray, Lesley (2021) Underground tales, overground lives; negotiating a post-retirement identity. [Data Collection]


This project seeks to understand post-retirement identities in particularly ‘mobile’ professions. Using mobile methods we work with participants who are retired from the London Underground. We return with them to their workplace by taking a ‘Hidden London’ tour of part of the disused London Underground network asking the along the way about their experiences post-retirement and their memories of working on the London Underground. Their responses are then made into graphic stories.

Uncontrolled Keywords: Mobilities, retirement identities, transport
Subjects: L Social studies > L300 Sociology
L Social studies > L434 Transport policy
Divisions: School of Humanities and Social Science
Depositing User: Lesley Murray
Date Deposited: 15 Feb 2021 11:51
Last Modified: 03 Jun 2021 11:54


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