BIOCOMPATIBILITY of carbon nanoparticles with tissues of the neuromuscular system: NMS-CNT

Adu, Jimi and Alavijeh, Mohammad and Blazewicz, Stanislaw and Fraczek-Szczypta, Aneta and Elzbieta, Menaszek and Ross, Schevchenko and Misra, Anil (2021) BIOCOMPATIBILITY of carbon nanoparticles with tissues of the neuromuscular system: NMS-CNT. [Data Collection]


NMS-CNT project focuses on solving a universal health problem, namely, the repair of extensive damage of peripheral nerves. The initial aim of the project is to undertake a rigorous evaluation of the biocompatibility of carbon nanoparticles with neural and skeletal muscles tissues. This is an essential prelude to the consortium's medium to long-term goal of developing marketable novel carbon nanotube-based implants for nerve repair. The most promising nerve repair implants have two major limitations. First, the growth of regenerating nerves within them is often random resulting in inappropriate tissue reinnervation. The recovery of tissue function is consequently poor. Second, current implants cannot support nerve regeneration over distances greater than 4cm. Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) support neuronal growth and possess a unique combination of physico-chemical properties that are ideal for modulating and optimising stages of nerve repair. CNT incorporation into current implants could improve nerve repair technology significantly by supporting and guiding the growth of regenerating axons through lesions greater than 4cm. The increasing research effort focussed on achieving this goal assumes biocompatibilty of CNTs with neural tissue and associated skeletal muscle tissue. However, to date, fundamental information concerning the impact on neuronal health of exposure to CNTs is surprisingly lacking. The consortium partners seeks to fill this considerable knowledge gap through the following objectives: 1. Prepare high quality, purified, water soluble CNTs including SW-CNTs, MW-CNTs, ultra-long-single-wall CNTs (ULSW-CNTs) and chemically functionalised preparations of each 2. Determination of catalyst content via atomic absorption spectometry, characterisation of CNTs via FT-IR and FT Raman spectroscopy 3. Identify CNT preparations (from 1) that are generally biocompatible with neurons and glial cells of the peripheral nervous system (PNS) 4. Identify the CNT preparations (from 1) that are biocompatible with adult skeletal muscle tissue and peripheral nerves 5. Study the pharmacokinetic profiles of the CNTs administered intramuscularly, intrathecally, and implanted near peripheral nerves 6. Disseminate insights from the proposed study to relevant stakeholders such as the scientific and pharmaceutical technology communities including other relevant SMEs

Uncontrolled Keywords: Carbon nanotubes; Cell Toxicity Analysis; Muscle and Nerves; Nerve Repair; Implants, Tissue Regeneration
Subjects: C Biological sciences > C130 Cell biology
Divisions: School of Applied Sciences
Depositing User: Jimi Adu
Date Deposited: 24 Feb 2021 09:27
Last Modified: 23 Jun 2021 11:39


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