The People's Pier: The popular culture of pleasure piers and cultural regeneration through community heritage

Jenzen, Olu and Brydon, Lavinia and Brennan, Matt and Nourse, Nick and Lauchlan, Archie (2021) The People's Pier: The popular culture of pleasure piers and cultural regeneration through community heritage. [Data Collection]


'The People's Pier' is an AHRC funded research project that investigated community piers as an emerging form of community hubs. This project explored how the cultural history and contemporary condition of British pleasure piers inform and produce a particular model of community ownership and management of the 'people's pier' as an asset for the local community, using two primary case studies; The Hastings Pier Charity and The Clevedon Pier and Heritage Foundation. The primary aim of the project is to develop an understanding of how seaside pleasure pier culture converges with, engenders and sometimes resists, 21st century community led approaches to the economic regeneration of British seaside resorts. AHRC ref: AH/M009300/1

Uncontrolled Keywords: popular culture, heritage, seaside resorts, community piers, pleaseure piers
Subjects: V Historical & philosophical studies > V700 Heritage studies
V Historical & philosophical studies > V731 Coastal heritage management
V Historical & philosophical studies > V750 Oral history, heritage & genealogy
W Creative arts & design > W341 Popular music
Divisions: School of Art and Media
Depositing User: Olu Jenzen
Date Deposited: 05 Feb 2021 12:21
Last Modified: 23 Jun 2021 11:44




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