A multi-dimensional quasi-discrete model for the analysis of Diesel fuel droplet heating and evaporation

Sazhin, Sergei and Al Qubeissi, M. and Nasiri, R. and Gun'ko, V.M. and Elwardany, A.E. and Lemoine, F. and Grisch, F. and Heikal, Morgan (2021) A multi-dimensional quasi-discrete model for the analysis of Diesel fuel droplet heating and evaporation. [Data Collection]


A new multi-dimensional quasi-discrete model is suggested and tested for the analysis of heating and evaporation of Diesel fuel droplets. As in the original quasi-discrete model suggested earlier, the components of Diesel fuel with close thermodynamic and transport properties are grouped together to form quasi-components. In contrast to the original quasi-discrete model, the new model takes into account the contribution of not only alkanes, but also various other groups of hydrocarbons in Diesel fuels; quasi-components are formed within individual groups. Also, in contrast to the original quasi-discrete model, the contributions of individual components are not approximated by the distribution function of carbon numbers. The formation of quasi-components is based on taking into account the contributions of individual components without any approximations. Groups contributing small molar fractions to the composition of Diesel fuel (less than about 1.5%) are replaced with characteristic components. The actual Diesel fuel is simplified to form six groups: alkanes, cycloalkanes, bicycloalkanes, alkylbenzenes, indanes & tetralines, and naphthalenes, and 3 components C19H34 (tricycloalkane), C13H12 (diaromatic), and C14H10 (phenanthrene). It is shown that the approximation of Diesel fuel by 15 quasi-components and components, leads to errors in estimated temperatures and evaporation times in typical Diesel engine conditions not exceeding about 3.7% and 2.5% respectively, which is acceptable for most engineering applications.

Uncontrolled Keywords: Droplets Heating Evaporation Diesel fuel Multi-component fuel
Subjects: H Engineering > H311 Thermodynamics
Divisions: School of Architecture, Technology and Engineering
Depositing User: Oyuna Rybdylova
Date Deposited: 25 Mar 2021 16:33
Last Modified: 23 Jun 2021 11:33
    • Sazhin, Sergei
    • S.Sazhin@brighton.ac.uk
    • Al Qubeissi, M.
    • Nasiri, R.
    • Gun'ko, V.M.
    • Elwardany, A.E.
    • Lemoine, F.
    • Grisch, F.
    • Heikal, Morgan
    • M.R.Heikal@brighton.ac.uk


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